WELCOME TO THE JUNE EDITION OF CUBS WORLD CHATTER AS WE CONTINUE OUR SEARCH FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND ANOTHER WORLD SERIES WIN!!!! This is what Cubs fans are famous for...keeping faith and always focusing on the future!
We hope that everyone who reads this newsletter will spread the word to others to check us out. ACTUALLY...there are additional ways to keep in touch with US. We have an active FACEBOOK page! It is called CUBS WORLD THE VILLAGES. If you'd like to check it out, CLICK HERE. We have about 70 members actively visiting with an overall membership of about 200! Come join the fun, shared photos, tell stories...etc.
We also have a very interactive web site! On these pages you can make reservations for upcoming events and take a peek at our by-laws and such. www.cubsworld.org
Of course, you can make comments about anything you wish when you click on our LEAVE A COMMENT icon. I also extend an invitation for you to correspond with your president at waynesongs@sbcglobal. What's on your mind? We'd always love to hear from you.

Friday June 28th (special guest to throw out the first pitch) KYLE FARNSWORTH!
Gators (Cubs vs Cardinals)
Friday June 28th (special guest to throw out the first pitch) KYLE FARNSWORTH!
Gators (Cubs vs Cardinals)

by Wayne Richards
Yes dear lady! Words do indeed matter! This holds especially true for Cubs World.
Somewhere embedded in this journalistic effort you will find a word printed in red. Why do we do this? Well, I'll tell ya.
If you write down this word (along with your name) and bring it to the August membership meeting, you can place it in a special jar for a drawing. You just might be the winner of a PUBLIX gift card!
By the way, there are two drawings and I just might have a little something extra for the winners. Good luck!
by Wayne Richards
Yes dear lady! Words do indeed matter! This holds especially true for Cubs World.
Somewhere embedded in this journalistic effort you will find a word printed in red. Why do we do this? Well, I'll tell ya.
If you write down this word (along with your name) and bring it to the August membership meeting, you can place it in a special jar for a drawing. You just might be the winner of a PUBLIX gift card!
By the way, there are two drawings and I just might have a little something extra for the winners. Good luck!

WELCOME ALL!!!!!!!!!
WELCOME ALL!!!!!!!!!

by Jim Guleserian
About 25 ardent Cub fans were at Gator's Dockside in Brownwood on Saturday, May 18th to watch a very tense game against the Pirates, culminating with a controversial play at the plate that saw our Cubbies emerge victorious by a score of 1-0.
Jodie Sweeney's 3-1 guess was the closest in the "PREDICT THE SCORE game. Marge Curtis had 0-0 for te third and sixth innings of thr squares game while Paula Meier captured the final 1-0 square.
Without much offense, ther PICK A CUB game had Bellinger and Morel sharing the top spot with a meager 3 points. Splitting the winnings of their selections of them were John Curtis and Marge Curtis.
by Jim Guleserian
About 25 ardent Cub fans were at Gator's Dockside in Brownwood on Saturday, May 18th to watch a very tense game against the Pirates, culminating with a controversial play at the plate that saw our Cubbies emerge victorious by a score of 1-0.
Jodie Sweeney's 3-1 guess was the closest in the "PREDICT THE SCORE game. Marge Curtis had 0-0 for te third and sixth innings of thr squares game while Paula Meier captured the final 1-0 square.
Without much offense, ther PICK A CUB game had Bellinger and Morel sharing the top spot with a meager 3 points. Splitting the winnings of their selections of them were John Curtis and Marge Curtis.

Second place in the 50/50 drawing was Jim Guleserian with first place going to a new member...Steve Sullivan.
We encourage everyone to attend these watch parties. Some wonderful friendships have been formed at these gatherings. Good food and good fun for all!
We encourage everyone to attend these watch parties. Some wonderful friendships have been formed at these gatherings. Good food and good fun for all!

by Dan Marx
Our members helped to bring in the new month with our membership meeting, Monday June 3rd. As always, we had good intentions to bring in a well touted speaker, Franz Beard. Our meeting always starts at 6:00 PM.
However, at 5:45 PM, Wayne gets a text from Franz that he’s in the emergency room. He was in an accident, and showed a picture of his black eye. Well, anyways we had a delicious chicken parmesan meal from Peisano’s.
We had our red word drawing and our 50/50 raffle. And we had an update from one of our newest members, Tom Whitney, on the progress of his grandson Blake Whitney. Blake is a pitcher for the Cubs minor league affiliate, Tennessee Smokies and has a 4-0 record with a 3.00 era. In fact, just today, Tom texted me that Blake struck out 5 of the 6 batters that he faced in a 2 inning relief stint.
Then Jim Gulesarian did his thing. But, because we needed more fill Jim made it into Let’s Play Three- lol. And afterwards Jim played Cubs IQ .
There was a tie, and the tie breaker was how much money did Ernie Banks make in his 19 year career. The answer was $800,000. About what what some of the higher salaried players today make in a week.
Jim also spent time going over a very important , very overlooked, integral part of our club. That is the Cubs World website. The website answers pretty much any questions one might have about the club.
Of course, the main reason that members go back to the website is to check out the latest news letter ( AKA the Chatter) what many members don’t realize is that the news letter archives go back over 5 years! Maybe you’d like to go back to one of my favorites in January and check out the all women’s edition?
Also on the website you can find all of the contact information about the club’s board members. You can find out about upcoming events. Also, the club’s bylaws are posted among other things.
Jim thanked all of the board members and non board members who have volunteered to give their time and ideas to keep the club progressing. And he mentioned that all members are welcome to chip in and contribute in any way that they wish, including joining us in our board meetings the third Monday of each month at Colony.
by Dan Marx
Our members helped to bring in the new month with our membership meeting, Monday June 3rd. As always, we had good intentions to bring in a well touted speaker, Franz Beard. Our meeting always starts at 6:00 PM.
However, at 5:45 PM, Wayne gets a text from Franz that he’s in the emergency room. He was in an accident, and showed a picture of his black eye. Well, anyways we had a delicious chicken parmesan meal from Peisano’s.
We had our red word drawing and our 50/50 raffle. And we had an update from one of our newest members, Tom Whitney, on the progress of his grandson Blake Whitney. Blake is a pitcher for the Cubs minor league affiliate, Tennessee Smokies and has a 4-0 record with a 3.00 era. In fact, just today, Tom texted me that Blake struck out 5 of the 6 batters that he faced in a 2 inning relief stint.
Then Jim Gulesarian did his thing. But, because we needed more fill Jim made it into Let’s Play Three- lol. And afterwards Jim played Cubs IQ .
There was a tie, and the tie breaker was how much money did Ernie Banks make in his 19 year career. The answer was $800,000. About what what some of the higher salaried players today make in a week.
Jim also spent time going over a very important , very overlooked, integral part of our club. That is the Cubs World website. The website answers pretty much any questions one might have about the club.
Of course, the main reason that members go back to the website is to check out the latest news letter ( AKA the Chatter) what many members don’t realize is that the news letter archives go back over 5 years! Maybe you’d like to go back to one of my favorites in January and check out the all women’s edition?
Also on the website you can find all of the contact information about the club’s board members. You can find out about upcoming events. Also, the club’s bylaws are posted among other things.
Jim thanked all of the board members and non board members who have volunteered to give their time and ideas to keep the club progressing. And he mentioned that all members are welcome to chip in and contribute in any way that they wish, including joining us in our board meetings the third Monday of each month at Colony.

by Dan Marx
(Note....This is NOT the bus assigned to us for the Cubs/Rays trip.)
“ The wheels on the bus go round and round”. All 56 members met at the Brownwood parking lot Thursday 6/13 to take a chartered bus for a rare chance to see the Cubs play the Rays.
It was a typical hot day outside. But the problem was that it was even hotter inside the bus. The driver tried valiantly to correct the situation, and finally as the bus entered I - 75, the temperature started to cool down. There were about 15 of us who drove our cars to the game including my wife, Dale and I.
We all got to the game just as it was starting. It looked very promising for us as Justin Steele was regaining his 2023 form and pitched 6 shutout innings. There were very few hits for both teams.
Tan Bradley of the Rays also pitched a beautiful 6 innings and struck out 9. The Cubs were able to scratch out 2 runs, but then had to turn the ball over to the bullpen. As we all know, the bullpen has been our Achilles heel all season. A parade or 3 ineffective relievers failed to hold the lead, and gave up 3 runs. It was sad to see the bullpen collapse in person, but it only emphasized how much better of a record we could have had this season.
But, we all had a great time as we took up 4 rows very close to the field, right behind the bullpen. Thank you SO much, Jim Guleserian for all of your very hard work in making this a very special night for all who attended.
by Dan Marx
(Note....This is NOT the bus assigned to us for the Cubs/Rays trip.)
“ The wheels on the bus go round and round”. All 56 members met at the Brownwood parking lot Thursday 6/13 to take a chartered bus for a rare chance to see the Cubs play the Rays.
It was a typical hot day outside. But the problem was that it was even hotter inside the bus. The driver tried valiantly to correct the situation, and finally as the bus entered I - 75, the temperature started to cool down. There were about 15 of us who drove our cars to the game including my wife, Dale and I.
We all got to the game just as it was starting. It looked very promising for us as Justin Steele was regaining his 2023 form and pitched 6 shutout innings. There were very few hits for both teams.
Tan Bradley of the Rays also pitched a beautiful 6 innings and struck out 9. The Cubs were able to scratch out 2 runs, but then had to turn the ball over to the bullpen. As we all know, the bullpen has been our Achilles heel all season. A parade or 3 ineffective relievers failed to hold the lead, and gave up 3 runs. It was sad to see the bullpen collapse in person, but it only emphasized how much better of a record we could have had this season.
But, we all had a great time as we took up 4 rows very close to the field, right behind the bullpen. Thank you SO much, Jim Guleserian for all of your very hard work in making this a very special night for all who attended.
By Wayne Richards
1. Baseball should never be played inside a silo.
2. The stadium's loud sound system is used for hip hop, heavy metal and rap shows.
3. At least three Cub World members had a foot long hot dog and lived to tell about it!
4. I want to run up to RAYMOND the Ray's mascot and grab him by the legs and dust.
5. The MV seen on the score board represents mound visits.
6. One of the biggest players on the Cubs is named Little.
7. Another Cub player is named Brewer.
8. The Ray's announcer, Dwayne Statts, is considered to be one of the best in the business.

by Wayne Richards
All Cubs World members (I'm sure at one time or another) have noticed a strange little carved totem pole that seems to follow us around from membership meetings to special events and even a board meeting! Our good friend Jim Guleserian is the caretaker of this art work on and off the road.
In a way, it reminds me of the totem pole in Lincoln Park. (By the way that pole has a Wrigley connection that I will reveal another time.) But , alas , our little statue is an entity unto its own.
It just seems a shame that this mascot should exist without a true identity. That's why we are having a little contest to give him a name!
We haven't decided how this contest should be run, but we will discuss it and bring it up at a future membership meeting. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS? This little statue deserves a name and there will be a nice prize at stake!
Stay tuned!
by Wayne Richards
All Cubs World members (I'm sure at one time or another) have noticed a strange little carved totem pole that seems to follow us around from membership meetings to special events and even a board meeting! Our good friend Jim Guleserian is the caretaker of this art work on and off the road.
In a way, it reminds me of the totem pole in Lincoln Park. (By the way that pole has a Wrigley connection that I will reveal another time.) But , alas , our little statue is an entity unto its own.
It just seems a shame that this mascot should exist without a true identity. That's why we are having a little contest to give him a name!
We haven't decided how this contest should be run, but we will discuss it and bring it up at a future membership meeting. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS? This little statue deserves a name and there will be a nice prize at stake!
Stay tuned!

It’s now been seven and a half years since the Cubs won the World Series but the images of game seven are still embedded in our memories.
The sinking feeling of the game tying homerun off of Chapman, Ben Zobrists exuberance on his game changing double. The final pitch from Montgomery, the weak grounder and Bryant’s off balance throw. Our hearts sank as we envisioned a throw sailing down the right field line. But wait, Rizzo has it, he has it! The Cubs win, THE CUBS WIN. The streak is over, the curse has ended. That damn goat is dead.
The heroes of that game will live on forever in our hearts. Hendricks solid pitching. Why the hell is Maddon taking him out? Lester’s three solid innings after a rocky start. Ross being unable to find the ball to hitting the most important homer of his career. Zobrists huge double to the often overlooked Montero’s single that drove in what turned out to be the game winning run.
Bryant was our young star, a cinch Hall of Famer with a Rookie of the Year and a MVP award in back to back seasons. Rizzo was in his prime and Baez was an exciting player with unlimited potential. Unfortunately after declining production all three traded in the purge of 21. Russell, our star shortstop, succumbed to his personal demons and was soon out of baseball. Others like Arrieta, Lester and Lackey entered the downside of their careers and were never replaced. Zobrist and Fowler, the sparks of our offense, were also the downside of their careers and to our dismay management never found replacements for them.
The dynasty that we thought we would have never materialized. Like our Southside rivals we were one and done.
Now we have a chance to build a solid team around a core of young players but so far management has been unable or unwilling to trade for the veteran leadership that the team needs. The window to succeed is small. In a few years the money spent to keep the team together will handcuff the management from making key additions. If we don’t move forward soon the window will close before it ever really opened.
I’d like to pose two questions.
1. Other than Bryant or Rizzo if we could have one player from the W.S. team who would you want?
2. Who would you be willing to trade to get a quality player added to the team? I’m talking about a player we would have for two or three years not a rental.
It’s now been seven and a half years since the Cubs won the World Series but the images of game seven are still embedded in our memories.
The sinking feeling of the game tying homerun off of Chapman, Ben Zobrists exuberance on his game changing double. The final pitch from Montgomery, the weak grounder and Bryant’s off balance throw. Our hearts sank as we envisioned a throw sailing down the right field line. But wait, Rizzo has it, he has it! The Cubs win, THE CUBS WIN. The streak is over, the curse has ended. That damn goat is dead.
The heroes of that game will live on forever in our hearts. Hendricks solid pitching. Why the hell is Maddon taking him out? Lester’s three solid innings after a rocky start. Ross being unable to find the ball to hitting the most important homer of his career. Zobrists huge double to the often overlooked Montero’s single that drove in what turned out to be the game winning run.
Bryant was our young star, a cinch Hall of Famer with a Rookie of the Year and a MVP award in back to back seasons. Rizzo was in his prime and Baez was an exciting player with unlimited potential. Unfortunately after declining production all three traded in the purge of 21. Russell, our star shortstop, succumbed to his personal demons and was soon out of baseball. Others like Arrieta, Lester and Lackey entered the downside of their careers and were never replaced. Zobrist and Fowler, the sparks of our offense, were also the downside of their careers and to our dismay management never found replacements for them.
The dynasty that we thought we would have never materialized. Like our Southside rivals we were one and done.
Now we have a chance to build a solid team around a core of young players but so far management has been unable or unwilling to trade for the veteran leadership that the team needs. The window to succeed is small. In a few years the money spent to keep the team together will handcuff the management from making key additions. If we don’t move forward soon the window will close before it ever really opened.
I’d like to pose two questions.
1. Other than Bryant or Rizzo if we could have one player from the W.S. team who would you want?
2. Who would you be willing to trade to get a quality player added to the team? I’m talking about a player we would have for two or three years not a rental.

by Dan Marx
This is a story from the book, WHY WE LOVE BASEBALL. It is all about one of the most legendary plays from arguably the most legendary player of all time, Babe Ruth.
This story does involve the Cubs, but it’s the 1932 Cubs , who are in the World Series against the Yankees. It’s game 3 , and the Yankees easily won the first 2 games. Charlie Root was pitching for the Cubs, and all 50,000 fans were booing Ruth mercilessly every time he came to the plate.
Ruth came up in the 1st and hit a towering homer to try to quiet the crowd, but it didn’t work. Then when he came up in the 5th with Charlie Root still pitching for the Cubs things got way more interesting. Ruth, being a showman at the plate was flailing his arms all over the place and getting booed even louder. With Ruth standing at the plate with his bat on his shoulder, he held up one finger for strike one and then two fingers for strike two, and then all hell broke loose.
Ruth definitely made a motion with his arm. As many people over the years that commented on the type of motion there were, that’s how many different stories there are. Of course, the legend is that he pointed to center field calling a home run shot. And of course, that is what happened. The home run at the time to center field was the longest home run ever hit at Wrigley Field.
There was a Lou Gehrig interview uncovered 2 years ago where Gehrig said that Ruth not only said that he would hit another homer, but he showed exactly where he was going to hit that homer. Cubs catcher, Gabby Hartnett, was on record for saying in different interviews that Ruth did call his shot, and that he didn’t call his shot.
But Charlie Root , the pitcher, was interviewed and insisted that Ruth did not call his shot. And Charlie Root’s daughter just a few years ago, who was just behind home plate at the time, insisted Ruth did not call his shot.
We’ll never know, but that’s what legends are made of, and it’s a great story.
by Dan Marx
This is a story from the book, WHY WE LOVE BASEBALL. It is all about one of the most legendary plays from arguably the most legendary player of all time, Babe Ruth.
This story does involve the Cubs, but it’s the 1932 Cubs , who are in the World Series against the Yankees. It’s game 3 , and the Yankees easily won the first 2 games. Charlie Root was pitching for the Cubs, and all 50,000 fans were booing Ruth mercilessly every time he came to the plate.
Ruth came up in the 1st and hit a towering homer to try to quiet the crowd, but it didn’t work. Then when he came up in the 5th with Charlie Root still pitching for the Cubs things got way more interesting. Ruth, being a showman at the plate was flailing his arms all over the place and getting booed even louder. With Ruth standing at the plate with his bat on his shoulder, he held up one finger for strike one and then two fingers for strike two, and then all hell broke loose.
Ruth definitely made a motion with his arm. As many people over the years that commented on the type of motion there were, that’s how many different stories there are. Of course, the legend is that he pointed to center field calling a home run shot. And of course, that is what happened. The home run at the time to center field was the longest home run ever hit at Wrigley Field.
There was a Lou Gehrig interview uncovered 2 years ago where Gehrig said that Ruth not only said that he would hit another homer, but he showed exactly where he was going to hit that homer. Cubs catcher, Gabby Hartnett, was on record for saying in different interviews that Ruth did call his shot, and that he didn’t call his shot.
But Charlie Root , the pitcher, was interviewed and insisted that Ruth did not call his shot. And Charlie Root’s daughter just a few years ago, who was just behind home plate at the time, insisted Ruth did not call his shot.
We’ll never know, but that’s what legends are made of, and it’s a great story.

by Wayne Richards
First of all let me announce without any reservations that I do not believe in curses! But, we all know what happened when that cheese-borger slinging bearded rabble-rouser brought his flea-bitten goat from lower Wacker Drive to the friendly confines. All hell broke loose!
Actually, there is a much better curse tale involving Wrigley Field which actually is partially built over an old Indian burial ground. Some people say that the totem pole in Lincoln Park, which faces Wrigley, has spread some strange mojo over the years. Although it's an interesting thought to ponder, I still I think its a bunch of you know what!
However, one might think that some unusual things have been happening to yours truly this year while serving as your president. It all began in January.
We were set to enjoy an appearance by "Sudden" Sam Mcdowell. But he was injured quite seriously and couldn't make it. I found this out at the last possible minute. Also that same evening, our good friend Jim Guleserian was all set to offer the first 'LETS PLAY TOO" presentation of the year. But, his wife took ill and they had to rush off to the hospital. That night, I sang, told jokes and went into full entertainment mode, which is what I've been doing my entire life anyway!
After that, things went well until we were expecting our yearly visit from our good friend from the Daily Sun. Rather than join us as scheduled, he had moved to Chattanooga early and I had to scramble to set up what turned out to be our first CUBS WORLD anchor desk interviews. It went well and the concept will be used from time to time because some people are more comfortable just talking at a table than at a podium.
Then, this month, Franz Beard, a sports media expert, was very enthusiastic and anxious to speak to us. Now usually, by five thirty, our guests have arrived to find their way to the PRESIDENT'S TABLE. But Mr. Beard was nowhere to be seen. So, I called him.
Five minutes later when he called back, I was informed that he was in an emergency room in terrible pain. He fell causing a major shoulder dislocation, facial injury and a concussion. Out of respect, I will not publish the photo he sent.
He has already stated that he will come to visit us as soon as possible. I have every confidence he will. In fact, he may be on the radar very soon.
So, do I feel that all these strange goings-on (or not going on) is some kind of curse? No. Absolutely not! People say to me all the time, "We feel bad for you with all this stuff." Hey....don't feel bad for me. Feel bad for the poor folks who keep having accidents!
by Wayne Richards
First of all let me announce without any reservations that I do not believe in curses! But, we all know what happened when that cheese-borger slinging bearded rabble-rouser brought his flea-bitten goat from lower Wacker Drive to the friendly confines. All hell broke loose!
Actually, there is a much better curse tale involving Wrigley Field which actually is partially built over an old Indian burial ground. Some people say that the totem pole in Lincoln Park, which faces Wrigley, has spread some strange mojo over the years. Although it's an interesting thought to ponder, I still I think its a bunch of you know what!
However, one might think that some unusual things have been happening to yours truly this year while serving as your president. It all began in January.
We were set to enjoy an appearance by "Sudden" Sam Mcdowell. But he was injured quite seriously and couldn't make it. I found this out at the last possible minute. Also that same evening, our good friend Jim Guleserian was all set to offer the first 'LETS PLAY TOO" presentation of the year. But, his wife took ill and they had to rush off to the hospital. That night, I sang, told jokes and went into full entertainment mode, which is what I've been doing my entire life anyway!
After that, things went well until we were expecting our yearly visit from our good friend from the Daily Sun. Rather than join us as scheduled, he had moved to Chattanooga early and I had to scramble to set up what turned out to be our first CUBS WORLD anchor desk interviews. It went well and the concept will be used from time to time because some people are more comfortable just talking at a table than at a podium.
Then, this month, Franz Beard, a sports media expert, was very enthusiastic and anxious to speak to us. Now usually, by five thirty, our guests have arrived to find their way to the PRESIDENT'S TABLE. But Mr. Beard was nowhere to be seen. So, I called him.
Five minutes later when he called back, I was informed that he was in an emergency room in terrible pain. He fell causing a major shoulder dislocation, facial injury and a concussion. Out of respect, I will not publish the photo he sent.
He has already stated that he will come to visit us as soon as possible. I have every confidence he will. In fact, he may be on the radar very soon.
So, do I feel that all these strange goings-on (or not going on) is some kind of curse? No. Absolutely not! People say to me all the time, "We feel bad for you with all this stuff." Hey....don't feel bad for me. Feel bad for the poor folks who keep having accidents!

by Wayne Richards
This is just a little reminder that there will be no scheduled board meeting in June.
For those of you coming to the Leesburg Lightning game, we have arranged for former Cub Kyle Farnsworth to throw out the first pitch! He'll be joining us along with his sons or son, depending how it works out.
Also, I'd like to extend gratitude for all the fine work and efforts made by Jim Guleserian and everybody on the board. These are some of the finest individuals I've ever met!
The CUBS WORLD CHATTER will be presenting a July edition....so watch for it!
by Wayne Richards
This is just a little reminder that there will be no scheduled board meeting in June.
For those of you coming to the Leesburg Lightning game, we have arranged for former Cub Kyle Farnsworth to throw out the first pitch! He'll be joining us along with his sons or son, depending how it works out.
Also, I'd like to extend gratitude for all the fine work and efforts made by Jim Guleserian and everybody on the board. These are some of the finest individuals I've ever met!
The CUBS WORLD CHATTER will be presenting a July edition....so watch for it!
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